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Keystone XL Pipeline Officially Cancelled, as Developer Pulls Plug on Project

by Earth.Org Americas Jun 10th 20212 mins
Keystone XL Pipeline Officially Cancelled, as Developer Pulls Plug on Project

The USD$9 billion Keystone XL oil pipeline, which was proposed in 2008 to bring oil from Canada’s Western tar sands to US refiners, was cancelled by owner TC Energy Corp after US President Joe Biden revoked a key permit needed for the US stretch of the 1 900km project.

What is Happening?

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Jared Margolis, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, says, “This is a landmark moment in the fight against the climate crisis. We’re hopeful that the Biden administration will continue to shift this country in the right direction by opposing fossil fuel projects.”

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said in a statement, “We remain disappointed and frustrated with the circumstances surrounding the Keystone XL project, including the cancellation of the presidential permit for the pipeline’s border crossing.”

Featured image by: Flickr 

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