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The Project Working to Provide a Lifeline For Trafficked Orangutans

by Earth.Org Asia May 26th 20212 mins
The Project Working to Provide a Lifeline For Trafficked Orangutans

The Orangutan Project, an organisation focused on securing the survival of orangutans and other critically endangered species, has seen an increase in orangutan confiscations over the past two months with their rescue alliances assisting authorities to rescue eight orangutans.

What is Happening?

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Cocks says, “We’re now at the point where every orangutan counts, not just because they are a highly sentient, deep-thinking species, but because we need every Critically Endangered orangutan to be living in secure populations adding to the genetic strength and diversity of their species.” 

About The Orangutan Project

The Orangutan Project is a non-partisan organisation that collaborates with several orangutan conservation projects on the ground in Indonesia to support the conservation and rehabilitation of orangutans and the preservation of their forest habitat.  Founded by world-renowned orangutan expert Leif Cocks, The Orangutan Project’s goal is to ensure the survival of the orangutan species in their natural habitat. For more information, visit https://www.theorangutanproject.org 


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