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Taiwan is Experiencing its Worst Drought in Nearly 60 Years

by Earth.Org Asia Apr 23rd 20214 mins
Taiwan is Experiencing its Worst Drought in Nearly 60 Years

Taiwan typically has a subtropical climate in the northern and central regions and tropical in the south. Typhoons are common in summer and autumn and it gets monsoons. However, there has been very little rainfall in the past year, which has plunged Taiwan into its worst drought in 56 years. Many of its reservoirs are at less than 20% capacity, with water levels at some failing below 10%. This not only has impacts on the island’s food and water security, but it also threatens its booming chip industry, which has worldwide ramifications. 

What is Happening?

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Warning Signs

Mr Hsu says, “Climate change has never been a centre of discussion in our government or society. Although everybody talks about being afraid of climate change, it tends to be lip service. They express care, but don’t take any action.”

Featured image by: Flickr 

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