elections 2024 Archives | Earth.Org https://earth.org/tag/elections-2024/ Global environmental news and explainer articles on climate change, and what to do about it Fri, 26 Apr 2024 06:13:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://earth.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/cropped-earthorg512x512_favi-32x32.png elections 2024 Archives | Earth.Org https://earth.org/tag/elections-2024/ 32 32 UN Climate Chief Calls on People to ‘Raise their Voices’ Ahead of Election, As Next Two Years Will Determine Future of Our Planet https://earth.org/un-climate-chief-calls-on-people-to-raise-their-voices-ahead-of-election-as-next-two-years-will-determine-future-of-our-planet/ Fri, 12 Apr 2024 03:08:02 +0000 https://earth.org/?p=33194 UN climate chief Simon Stiell speaking at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates in December 2024

UN climate chief Simon Stiell speaking at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates in December 2024

Speaking in London on Wednesday, Simon Stiell appealed to big finance players to boost climate investments and on governments to put forward bolder national climate plans. — In […]

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UN climate chief Simon Stiell speaking at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates in December 2024

Speaking in London on Wednesday, Simon Stiell appealed to big finance players to boost climate investments and on governments to put forward bolder national climate plans.

In a pivotal year for democracy, where roughly half of the human population is called to the polls, the United Nations climate chief called on citizens to “raise their voices” to demand bolder climate action.

With the relentless rise in air and sea temperatures globally, time is running out to avert the worst consequences of climate change. 

Extreme weather events are costing millions of lives and billions of dollars to the world’s economies, with no country spared. A recent analysis by Zurich-based reinsurance company Swiss Re’s found that climate-change triggered natural disasters, excluding heatwaves, cost the global economy US$200 billion every year, with the US and the Philippines paying the highest annual price in relation to their gross domestic product (GDP).

Speaking at London’s Chatham House on Wednesday, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell laid out key interventions needed ahead of the next COP summit and their long-term significance.

“The next two years are essential to save the planet,” Stiell said, stressing that cutting fossil fuel pollution and investing in climate mitigation and adaptation will determine which countries will “rise up the ladder [of living standards] or fall.”

Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels has proven challenging and progress has been slow. NOAA’ latest data, published earlier this week, confirmed that levels of all three main planet-warming, human-caused greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide – reached record highs in 2023, albeit growing at a slower pace than previous years.

Current national climate plans will “barely cut emissions at all by 2030,” Stiell said, stressing that a “new generation of national climate plans” ahead of the next round of UN climate talks scheduled for November is needed for a “chance to make greenhouse gas emissions tumble.”

Historically, G20 countries have been the main source of global emissions – accounting for around 80% of the total – and it is their responsibility, Stiell said, to “be at core of the solution” and work towards speeding up the phase-out of fossil fuels.

The Unequivocal Role of Climate Finance

For a chance to bring global temperatures down, cutting fossil fuels must happen concurrently with the rollout of clean energy technologies and resilient infrastructure, Stiell said, something that only a “quantum leap in climate finance” – which is “both essential and entirely achievable” –  will help developing countries achieve.

“It’s time to shift those dollars from the energy and infrastructure of the past, towards that of a cleaner, more resilient future…And to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable countries benefit.”

Despite poor and vulnerable countries raising their voices for decades to demand financial support to deal with the climate crisis, many believe that wealthy nations are not doing enough, with finance flowing still far from what is needed. The establishment of a Loss and Damage Fund in 2022 and its operationalization, hailed “historic,” at COP28 last year marked a significant step forward in the fight for climate justice. However, contributions to the fund still fall significantly short of what is needed to cover the real needs of developing countries, estimated at at least $400 billion per year and expected to grow as the crisis intensifies.

You might also like: Climate Justice and Loss and Damage: A Look At What COP28 Meant for Historical Responsibility in Climate Action

In his speech, Stiell called on key finance players – including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as the G7 and G20 leadership – to push for a bolder climate finance deal at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, saying it would not only benefit developing countries but also help protect global supply chains all economies depend on. 

The deal, Stiell said, will have to satisfy four key requirements: more concessional finance, especially for vulnerable economies, new sources of international climate finance, a reform of development banks to make them work better for developing countries and take climate into consideration in their decision-making process, as well as debt relief for the countries in need to “give them the fiscal space for climate investment.”

A Pivotal Year

Recent polls have demonstrated that voters increasingly want to see their governments take bolder climate action

Addressing the billions of people eligible to vote around the world this year, Stiell said their voice mattered like never before, stressing that only addressing the climate crisis will allow us to end poverty, hunger, and other pressing social and humanitarian problems affecting our societies.

“Business-as-usual will further entrench the gross inequalities between the world’s richest and poorest countries and communities that unchecked climate impacts are making much worse…  If you want bolder climate action, now is the time to make yours count,” he said.

Featured image: UNclimatechange/Flickr

The post UN Climate Chief Calls on People to ‘Raise their Voices’ Ahead of Election, As Next Two Years Will Determine Future of Our Planet appeared first on Earth.Org.

Green Showdown: The UK’s Election Battle for Climate Action https://earth.org/uk-election-battle-for-climate-action/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 08:00:00 +0000 https://earth.org/?p=33059 UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak addresses a UK-chaired 'Forest and Climate Leaders Summit' event at COP27

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak addresses a UK-chaired 'Forest and Climate Leaders Summit' event at COP27

As the United Kingdom gears up for its forthcoming general election, attention is increasingly focused on the nation’s environmental issues and the climate agendas of political parties. With […]

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As the United Kingdom gears up for its forthcoming general election, attention is increasingly focused on the nation’s environmental issues and the climate agendas of political parties. With growing anticipation and voters seeking clear commitments on climate action, the electoral landscape is poised for a crucial showdown that will shape the country’s environmental direction and influence its role in the global fight against climate change.

Excitement in the UK is palpable as the country readies itself for the imminent general election, set to take place no later than January 2025. Amidst the political discourse, conversations are shifting beyond conventional topics like the economy, healthcare, and immigration to underscore the critical imperative for climate action. At the same time, there is also a prevalent concern about the potential impact of transitioning to net zero, particularly in terms of living costs. Therefore, achieving the optimal balance that caters to the majority of society’s needs is a significant challenge for all parties and policymakers vying for success in the electoral arena.

The UK is currently battling with a myriad of environmental issues. 2023 was the country’s second-hottest year on record, with a mean temperature of 9.97C. Eight out of 12 months were warmer than average – with June marking the hottest June ever recorded “by a wide margin,” according to the Met Office, the national weather service. September also saw its hottest day, with temperatures peaking at 33.5C. The Met Office predicts that climate change will affect the UK by raising summer temperatures by 1-6C and reducing rainfall by up to 60% by 2070, resulting in more intense rainfall and heightened flood risks.

Biodiversity loss is another pressing problem in the UK, with a September 2023 assessment suggesting that one in six species in the country is at risk of extinction due to habitat loss, extreme weather events, and other human-induced pressures. The analysis found that wildlife in the UK has declined on average by 19% since widespread monitoring began in 1970, though evidence suggests that biodiversity had already been “highly depleted” by reckless human activity, including traditional farming practices and rapid urban development on land as well as unsustainable fishing, marine development, and climate change at sea.

Summary of Red List assessment for Great Britain, showing the proportion of assessed species in the UK in each Red List category. Image: State of Nature 2023.
Summary of IUCN Red List assessment for Great Britain. Image: State of Nature 2023.

Despite efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the impacts of climate change are expected to continue, highlighting the urgent need for adaptation measures to protect people, homes, businesses, and ecosystems. As per the recent assessment by the UK’s Climate Change Committee, the country’s current climate adaptation plan is inadequate, lacking the necessary scale, ambition, and funding necessary to effectively tackle the challenges presented by climate change.

UK Election: How Much Do UK Voters Care About Climate?

As candidates gear up for the campaign trail, the green agenda has quickly risen to prominence as a solid focal point. 

A report from Greenpeace UK, based on a survey conducted between August and September 2023, indicated that climate and environmental policies play a crucial role in influencing voter preferences, especially in key battleground areas like the Blue Wall and marginal constituencies. 

A survey published in December 2023 revealed that 41% of respondents are more inclined to support a political party that pledges robust action on climate change, while 40% believe that the government’s postponement or cancellation of certain net zero policies has negatively impacted Britain’s reputation abroad. Another 2023 Copper Consultancy report found approximately 10% of individuals intending to vote for the Conservative Party cited climate change as the most crucial concern. In comparison, this figure was 12% for the Labour Party and notably higher at 27% for the Green Party.

According to Asset Finance International, the demand among small businesses in the country for clearer sustainability guidance from the next government, driven by concerns over recent policy reversals and a perceived lack of emphasis on environmental issues, underscoring the call for improved leadership and support in this area.

Ahead of the general election, the forthcoming local elections, set to take place in May, are poised to gauge public sentiment. Voters are evidently seeking clear proposals and strong commitments from candidates, emphasizing the need for substantial measures to address environmental concerns.

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Conservative Government’s Environmental Challenges

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative government stands at the forefront of this electoral battleground, facing challenges due to recent decisions that have halted crucial climate initiatives. In his speech on net zero last September, the PM outlined a strategy centered on promoting a pragmatic and transparent approach, alleviating burdens on families, advancing green industries, and fostering innovation in new technologies to attain the net zero target by 2050. 

In February, the government announced that the UK had successfully halved its emissions between 1990 and 2022 while experiencing significant economic growth, outperforming other major economies like France and the US. This achievement is largely attributed to the transition from coal to renewables, with over 40% of the country’s electricity now sourced from clean energy sources. What’s more, the UK has consistently exceeded its carbon reduction targets, demonstrating its commitment to combating climate change and achieving net zero emissions.

However, Rishi Sunak’s concurrent decisions, such as delaying the ban on new petrol and diesel cars and slowing the phase-out of gas boilers, have drawn strong criticism from environmental organizations, opposition parties, and segments of the public. Sunak’s move to scrap regulations targeting heat pump installations and fines for heating system manufacturers also jeopardizes the government’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and undermines its global credibility, especially following the UK’s hosting of the COP26 climate conference in 2021. 

In response to these moves, the Tories’ perceived prioritization of short-term economic interests over long-term environmental sustainability has sparked intense scrutiny and criticism, fueling skepticism about its real commitment to tackling the climate crisis.

Labour Party’s Climate Agenda

On the other hand, opposition parties, led by the Labour Party, have exploited the Conservative government’s vulnerabilities to advocate for more ambitious climate policies. 

During the annual Mais lecture in March 2024, Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves laid out the party’s vision, stressing the significance of prioritizing the battle against global warming and integrating environmental sustainability into broader economic growth strategies.

The party, led by Sir Keir Starmer, announced an 8.3 billion pound (US$10.5 billion) investment in floating wind farms to enhance energy security and create jobs, furthering their pledge to decarbonize the UK by 2030, a move that contrasts with the Conservative Party’s target of achieving a net zero energy supply by 2035. Alongside the Tories, Labour’s environmental strategy is also facing criticism from other parties and voters. Amidst this, Starmer’s recent move to markedly scale back the party’s decarbonization plans, reducing the annual allocation from 28 billion pound to 23.7 billion pound ($35.3 billion to $29.9 billion) over five years, has sparked considerable attention and debate. The decision, driven by concerns over fiscal responsibility, reflects Labour’s endeavor to reconcile environmental goals with financial realities, utilizing funds from both borrowing and a windfall tax on oil and gas companies.

While Labour grapples with internal debates over the feasibility and scale of its proposed decarbonization plans, it remains resolute in its commitment to aggressive climate targets, positioning itself as a viable alternative to the Conservative government’s environmental track record. The party’s emphasis on investing in renewable energy, green infrastructure, and sustainable industries resonates with voters increasingly concerned about the environmental and economic implications of inaction on climate change.

Diverse Environmental Landscape

The UK’s environmental agenda extends beyond the traditional dichotomy of Conservative versus Labour, with smaller parties and civil society groups exerting considerable influence. The Green Party, in particular, champions radical climate policies, castigating both major parties for what it perceives as inadequate action on environmental issues, and wins. It also maintains high favorability rankings in political party polls. Mainstream parties’ stances, particularly if adversarial or accommodative toward green issues, impact Green party support, with accommodative positions benefiting new parties and reinforcing established ones.

With mounting public awareness and concern regarding climate change, these smaller parties and grassroots movements possess the potential to disrupt the political landscape and shape the narrative surrounding environmental policies. Their advocacy for bold and transformative measures, such as divesting from fossil fuels, implementing carbon pricing mechanisms, and prioritizing environmental justice, adds depth and diversity to the discourse on climate action.

Importance of Voter Choice

The imminent general election presents voters with a pivotal directive: to endorse competing visions for the nation’s environmental future. Beyond mere rhetoric, the election serves as a referendum on tangible policy proposals and the credibility of parties’ commitments to addressing climate change. 

Voters increasingly scrutinize parties’ environmental platforms, demanding concrete plans and measurable outcomes rather than vague promises and greenwashing. The outcome of the election hinges on the electorate’s assessment of which party offers the most credible and effective strategy for mitigating climate change and transitioning to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.

Global Implications

The outcome of the election also holds profound implications not only for domestic policy but also for the UK’s standing on the global stage. As nations worldwide grapple with the urgent demand of mitigating climate change, the UK’s credibility as one of the climate frontrunners hangs in the balance. A failure to deliver on ambitious climate commitments could tarnish the country’s position in international climate negotiations and undermine efforts to galvanize global action. Conversely, bold and decisive action by the incoming government could reinvigorate international momentum towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and averting catastrophic climate change.

Extinction Rebellion Return for their April Rebellion in 2022 on the international use of Fossil Fuels in the world
Extinction Rebellion UK protest against fossil fuels in April 2022. Photo: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona/Unsplash.

Voters Taking Initiative: Empowering Change

While the UK voters acknowledge the importance of climate change and achieving net zero, there remains a lack of urgency in embracing climate targets, primarily due to concerns about bearing the associated costs of a fully green agenda.

Firmly speaking, irrespective of which party wins the election battle, society must take initiatives into its own hands if it desires to create a sustainable and healthy environment for its future. It is essential for citizens to play an active role in compelling politicians to consider not only immediate profits and welfare but also to devise long-term strategies for the nation and its people to thrive in improved planetary conditions, even if it entails enduring short-term inconveniences and costs.

Ultimately, UK businesses and corporations have the opportunity to proactively tackle the climate crisis and champion a sustainable future by taking decisive action. This could involve investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency measures, advocating for policies that promote renewable energy adoption, establishing targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, committing to operational carbon neutrality objectives, and engaging in voluntary carbon credit trading initiatives between firms. 

They can also lobby for government regulations that tax or cap carbon emissions and encourage the trading of carbon credits. Moreover, they can actively participate in global cooperation initiatives like the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, playing a role in shaping policies for a sustainable future.

Individually, people wield considerable influence over the environment through their daily decisions. Making sustainable choices can have a profound impact, including reducing energy consumption by switching off lights and electronics when not in use, opting for energy-efficient appliances, utilizing carpooling or public transportation, and incorporating renewable energy sources like solar panels.

Furthermore, individuals can reduce waste by adopting practices like recycling, composting, and reusing items instead of disposing of them. They can also support eco-friendly products and services, such as locally sourced foods, organic products, and sustainable fashion brands, thus promoting a more sustainable lifestyle. By taking these intentional steps, individuals play an active role in advancing environmental sustainability and combating climate change.

Electric car battery charger on the side of the road
The government’s ban on new petrol and diesel cars can significantly promote the adoption of electric vehicles, as practice shows. Photo: Ernest Ojeh/Unsplash.


The upcoming general election represents the next juncture in the UK’s environmental strategy. To show their dedication, leaders must prioritize actions that align with the Greening Government Commitments (GGCs) framework for 2021 to 2025, which includes targets on greenhouse gas emissions, waste and water consumption, procurement, nature recovery, climate adaptation, and Information and communications technology (ICT). It is also imperative to address the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalized communities, ensure a just transition for workers in carbon-intensive industries, and promote equitable access to clean air, water, and green spaces.

By centering environmental justice in their climate agendas, policymakers can work towards building a more inclusive and sustainable future for all members of society in the UK. Voters can also hold candidates accountable for their commitments to environmental justice and advocate for policies that prioritize the needs and voices of vulnerable communities in the fight against climate change. 

It is clear that public support for achieving net zero in the UK is strong, emphasizing the necessity of transparently outlining both the challenges and benefits while acknowledging that the transition will require time, contributions from all sectors, and individual efforts.

As voters, businesses can take sustainability initiatives by embracing renewable energy and advocating for policy changes, while individuals can wield their influence through everyday eco-conscious choices, collectively propelling environmental efforts forward and combating the looming threat of climate change.

Featured image: Number 10/Flickr

The post Green Showdown: The UK’s Election Battle for Climate Action appeared first on Earth.Org.

Elections 2024: Pakistan’s Next Government Faces Pressing Environmental Issues https://earth.org/elections-2024-pakistans-next-government-faces-pressing-environmental-issues/ Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 https://earth.org/?p=31839 Air pollution in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Air pollution in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Pakistan is heading to the poll on February 8 to elect the members of the 16th National Assembly. As leading parties pace up election campaigns, the focus remains […]

The post Elections 2024: Pakistan’s Next Government Faces Pressing Environmental Issues appeared first on Earth.Org.


Pakistan is heading to the poll on February 8 to elect the members of the 16th National Assembly. As leading parties pace up election campaigns, the focus remains on the skyrocketing debt, inflation, and corruption issues. Amid the unprecedented economic turmoil, one pressing issue remains notably absent from most agendas: climate. With elections looming, Earth.Org takes a look at the main environmental issues Pakistan is facing and how a volatile national political scene is hindering efforts to properly address them.

Ranked 5th most vulnerable country to climate change on the Global Climate Risk Index, Pakistan faces countless pressing environmental issues that affect its economy and people, yet a complex mix of financial disorder and a looming market debt crisis have completely overshadowed them.

While the lack of a climate agenda in light of this week’s election is not surprising, the rapidly deteriorating climate crisis leaves Pakistan and the international community no choice but to step up mitigation and adaptation efforts to avoid irreversible consequences. 

Here are all major environmental issues Pakistan faces that require urgent attention.

5 Environmental Issues in Pakistan in 2024

1. Extreme Weather Events

In August 2022, Pakistan made global headlines as unprecedented floods engulfed large areas of the country, bringing about devastation and affecting 33 million people, including 16 million children. Dubbed the “climate catastrophe of the decade,” the floods submerged one-third of the country, claiming 1,730 lives and displacing more than 12 million people.

With damages estimated at over US$30 billion and the loss of critical infrastructure, including thousands of schools and public health facilities, the floods severely worsened an already fragile economic situation – with external debt soaring to $125 billion and inflation reaching a record high of 38% – and deepened already existing inequalities, leaving millions of people vulnerable to food, energy, and financial insecurity.

Pakistan floods 2022; humanitarian aid arrives in Pakistan
A man carries relief items along the only road that survived the devastating floods. Numerous roads and bridges have been washed away or severely damaged, impeding access to many areas (September 15, 2022). Photo: Abdul Majeed/European Union/Flickr.

Pakistan is no stranger to floods, especially in low-lying provinces such as Sindh and Punjab. In fact, its climate is commonly studied due to the country’s historically strong monsoon seasons, which can bring up to 70% of the annual rainfall in just a few months. However, the 2022 events were the most devastating in Pakistan’s 75-year history. Scientists blamed it on climate change.

“Things will not go back after the summer has passed. Here we have a problem of not just national but international climate governance and denialism about [climate change’s] actual ferocity and scale,” said then-minister for climate change Sherry Rehman in an interview with Channel NewsAsia.

In an analysis published a month after the floods, World Weather Attribution said climate change “likely increased extreme monsoon rainfall” that year, with several models and observations indicating that intense rainfall has become heavier as Pakistan warms. Indeed, during the 2022 monsoon season, Pakistan received more than three times its average rainfall in August, making it the wettest August since 1961, while Southern Sindh and Balochistan provinces received seven and eight times their usual monthly totals, respectively. 

But floods are just one of the many extreme weather events Pakistan faces every year. 

Severe droughts that have also plagued the country for decades are also becoming longer, more frequent, and more intense. 

As climate change alters rainfall patterns, it does not just make monsoon seasons more intense but also more irregular and unpredictable. For a country that heavily relies on water from glacial melt and monsoon rains, variations in these water sources only increase its vulnerability. 

For example, the 2022 floods followed months of record-breaking temperatures and exceptionally dry conditions. In March of that year, Pakistan received 62% less rainfall than normal and recorded the highest worldwide positive temperature anomaly during that month. And while heatwaves are not uncommon in the season preceding the monsoon, the very high temperatures so early in the year, coupled with a lack of rain, have led to extreme heat conditions, threatening public health and agricultural output.

The same occurred this winter, with Pakistan receiving lower-than-average rainfall, partially owing to the return of El Niño, a weather pattern associated with dried and warmer conditions in Southeast Asia. 

“Our lives revolve around water. Two years ago, flash floods wreaked havoc on our farmland and crops, but now, the water for wheat cultivation is in short supply due to a lack of rainfall,” a 49-year-old mother of four living in southwestern Balochistan province told Deutsche Welle last month. 

Once again, experts attributed these extremes to climate change, saying it has increased the probability of an event such as the 2022 heatwaves by a factor of about 30.

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2. Air Pollution

In recent years, several Pakistani cities have experienced alarming levels of air pollution. According to data from the World Air Quality Index (AQI), Lahore, Faisalabad, and Karachi are consistently ranked among the most polluted cities in the country. While these cities frequently exceed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) air quality guidelines, Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) data suggests that all of Pakistan’s 238 million people live in areas where the annual average particulate pollution level exceeds the WHO guideline, while 98.3% of the population lived in places where air pollution exceeds the country’s own safety standards.

In IQAir’s 2022 ranking of the world’s most polluted countries and regions, Pakistan ranked third, preceded only by Chad and Iraq. In terms of cities, most of the world’s 50 most polluted cities in 2022 were located in India and Pakistan. In that year, Pakistan’s capital city Lahore, home to more than 11 million people, was also named the world’s most polluted city, and it continues to be among the most polluted urban centres today.

Air pollution in Pakistan can be attributed to a combination of factors. 

Currently, most of Pakistan’s energy comes from fossil fuels, with gas constituting the largest share, followed by oil and coal. Emissions stemming from fuel combustion account for more than 90% of the country’s total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and for 40% of overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with the transport sector contributing approximately 23% of these CO2 emissions.

annual carbon dioxide CO2 emissions in Pakistan
Change in annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Pakistan (1946-2022). Image: Our World in Data.

Other major contributors to air pollution stem from industrial emissions from factories and power plants – which release pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter into the atmosphere, the agricultural sector – which is responsible for generating most of the methane and nitrous oxide emissions, and the burning of solid waste.

The effects of air pollution in Pakistan are far-reaching and detrimental to both human health and the environment.

High levels of air pollution have been linked to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and premature deaths. 2023 AQLI data suggests that people living in four South Asian nations – Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan – are expected to lose about five years of their lives on average because of air pollution. In Pakistan alone, over 22,000 people are estimated to die from outdoor air pollution, while another 28,000 deaths are attributable to indoor pollution. This is true particularly in low-income households which rely on biomass fuel such as wood, crop residues, and animal dung, for cooking, space heating, and lighting homes. While the share of people with access to clean fuels for cooking has doubled since the beginning of the century, more than 50% of the population still relies on polluting fuels.

Share of Pakistani with access to clean fuels for cooking
Share of Pakistanis with access to clean fuels for cooking (2000-2020). Image: Our World in Data.

The Pakistani government has taken steps to address the pressing issue of air pollution. 

First of all, the country has set targets to progressively reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement. In particular, Pakistan aims to cut 50% of its emissions while achieving a 60% share of renewable energy and 30% electric vehicles by 2030.

Moreover, in 2019, the government launched the National Clean Air Program (NCAP) in a bid to cut air pollution levels through improved industrial emissions standards, the promotion of cleaner transportation, and the enhancement of monitoring and enforcement. It has also introduced several policies to encourage the use of cleaner fuels such as compressed natural gas (CNG) in vehicles. 

In 2022, the Ministry of the Environment launched a National Clean Air Plan with support from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and Clean Air Asia, which “sets targets for air pollution concentration, identifies actions to mitigate air pollution, and outlines a plan for coordinating action on air quality management.” As part of the initiative, the country carried out its first national air pollutant inventory to quantify air pollutants at national and provincial level, which helped identify the main culprits of air pollution and outline a strategy to improve these sectors, including cooking and heating, vehicles, certain agricultural practices, and the open burning of waste.

Although the government’s acknowledgment of the issue is evident, the success of these initiatives has been limited, with pollution levels still on the rise owing mostly to challenges in enforcement, implementation, lack of adequate resources, and poor coordination. 

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3. Water Insecurity

According to the World Bank, Pakistan is one of the most water-stressed places in the world, behind only six other countries, and, given its large population – Pakistan is the world’s sixth most populous country – water availability per person is comparatively low. It is estimated that Pakistan’s water availability per capita has decreased from 5,260 cubic meters in 1951 to about 1,000 cubic meters in recent years, indicating a severe water scarcity situation. This data suggests that the country is quickly approaching the “water stress line.” The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) estimates that by 2025, Pakistan could be in a situation of absolute water scarcity, where there is not enough water to meet basic needs.

According to a report by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), about 60% of Pakistan’s population lacks access to safe drinking water, and 30% of all diseases as well as 40% of all deaths are attributable to poor water quality. Women and children are particularly vulnerable, especially in rural areas where sanitation is particularly inadequate, and most supplies are contaminated. The WHO estimates that about 55,000 children under the age of five die each year in Pakistan due to waterborne diseases like diarrhoea, cholera, and typhoid. 

Many factors contribute to elevated water pollution levels in the country, from the lack of a comprehensive sewerage system in cities and inadequate sanitation infrastructure, to poor waste management and the excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and untreated industrial effluents.

A lack of efficient water management systems is also to blame. According to the Indus River System Authority (IRSA), Pakistan receives approximately 145 million acre-feet (MAF) of water every year but is only capable of storing 13.7 MAF. Similarly, the country also lacks sufficient storage capacity to capture and store water during periods of high rainfall, effectively losing significant amounts of water during the frequent monsoon seasons.

Moreover, natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes can disrupt water supply systems, causing contamination and further exacerbating the issue. In particular, stagnant water constitutes the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, facilitating and accelerating the spread of malaria and dengue. 

In the aftermath of the 2022 floods, the country entered a “second wave of death and destruction” as standing waters provided ample opportunity for mosquitoes to breed and spread infectious diseases. The country saw at least a four-fold increase in the reported number of malaria cases after the floods, from 400,000 cases nationwide in 2021 to more than 1.6 million cases in 2022.

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The rapidly changing climate and melting of glaciers are further exacerbating the issue, with the Indus River, the country’s primary source of water for agriculture, industry, and domestic use, particularly at risk. 

The river heavily relies on the meltwater from the Himalayan glaciers. According to a study published in the journal Nature, the Indus Basin glaciers have been losing mass at an average rate of about 20 centimeters per year since the 1990s. This loss of glacial ice reduces the amount of water flowing into the river system, affecting water availability downstream. A report by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) mentions that the flow of the Indus River could decrease by up to 40% in the coming decades due to glacial retreat. This reduction in river flow affects irrigation for agriculture and availability of water for other sectors.

most polluted river in the world
Pakistan’s Ravi River is most polluted river in the world.

Agriculture, which contributes about one-fifth of the national gross domestic product (GDP), is one of the sectors contributing the most to water insecurity. According to the Pakistan Water Partnership, around 90% of the country’s water resources are utilized for agriculture. As glaciers shrink, the availability of this water source decreases, posing risks to agricultural productivity and food security.

But this is not the only issue affecting the sector. Inadequate infrastructure and outdated irrigation methods result in inefficient water management practices. The canal system, used for irrigation in agriculture, suffers from high water losses due to seepage and evaporation. Moreover, the over-extraction of groundwater, primarily for agriculture, has led to a decline in water tables in many parts of Pakistan. This over-dependence on groundwater contributes to water scarcity and can lead to land subsidence and soil degradation.

To address the situation, the Pakistani government has implemented several initiatives aimed at improving water management by enhancing water infrastructure and promoting conservation practices. 

For instance, in 2018, Pakistan introduced a National Water Policy to guide water resource management and development. The policy focuses on improving water governance, enhancing infrastructure, promoting conservation, and addressing water-related challenges. The government has also launched several public awareness campaigns to promote water conservation practices, such as efficient irrigation techniques, rainwater harvesting, and reducing water wastage in domestic and industrial sectors, and has ordered the construction of reservoirs and dams such as the Diamer-Bhasha Dam and the Dasu Dam, key infrastructure to enhance water storage capacity and manage water resources effectively. 

The Diamer-Basha dam, currently still in preliminary stages of construction, is expected to have an 892 feet-high spillway, 14 gates, and will be capable of holding 6.4 MAF alone. And yet, as life changing as its construction would be for the people of Pakistan, the associated cost is equivalent to nearly 10% of Pakistan’s total GDP. Moreover, the project has been at the centre of controversies, as local communities warned it could affect the region’s social, economic and ecological balance in the region and would inundate 32 villages of the Diamer district in Northern Areas, rendering thousands of people homeless.

Despite the good intentions, the precarious economic status of the country has often hindered the success of these measures. For this reason, Pakistan has sought international assistance and cooperation to address water scarcity, for example by engaging in dialogues with neighbouring India and Afghanistan to collaborate on transboundary water management and establish water-sharing agreements. These, however, have been the subject of controversy over the years.

For example, the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), an agreement between India and Pakistan that governs the distribution of water from the Indus River and its tributaries between the two countries, has been a source of contentions and disputes since its signing in 1960. 

One area of dispute centres around the construction of hydropower projects by India on the rivers allocated to it under the treaty, particularly the Chenab River, with Pakistan raising concerns about the potential impact of these projects on its water supply and agricultural activities. The country has also expressed concerns about India’s water management practices and has accused it of violating the treaty by using more water than allowed for irrigation purposes, arguing that this affects the flow of water downstream and impacts water availability in the country.

4. Food Insecurity

Food insecurity is a significant challenge in Pakistan, with a considerable number of people lacking reliable access to nutritious and sufficient food. In the Global Hunger Index 2021, Pakistan ranked 92nd out of 116 countries in terms of food security. While the exact number of food-insecure individuals is difficult to determine accurately, it is estimated that around 40% of the population experiences food insecurity to some extent.

Climate change is a significant contributor to food insecurity in Pakistan. The country is highly vulnerable to climate-related risks, and the changing weather patterns have adverse effects on agricultural productivity, water availability, and natural resources, with estimates suggesting that climate change will contribute to an 8-10% drop in agricultural productivity between now and 2040. This is particularly true for wheat and rice crops, which will experience a 6% and a 15-18% drop, respectively.

There are many ways in which climate change contributes to lower agricultural output and food insecurity. For a starter, altered rainfall patterns, including irregular and unpredictable rainfall, affect crop growth, leading to reduced yields and crop failures. Inconsistent rainfall also makes it challenging for farmers to plan their agricultural activities and hampers the overall productivity of the agricultural sector. 

The increase in the frequency and intensity of floods, particularly in northern Pakistan, has also significantly affected the country’s main crops – wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, and maize – submerging fields and washing away fertile soil. 

What’s more, rising temperatures also create favourable conditions for the proliferation of pests, insects, and diseases, not only among humans but also crops. Rising temperatures and altered weather patterns affect the timing and intensity of pest outbreaks, leading to crop damage and increased reliance on pesticides. 

The issue became of even greater concern following the extraordinary 2022 monsoon season, with nearly 5.7 million people including 3.4 million children affected by food insecurity. The exceptional rain the country witnessed that year has had a devastating impact on Pakistan’s agricultural sector, which employs 39% of the country’s workforce, with farmers caught off guard and unable to protect their crops from floodwaters. 

The latter destroyed about 6.5 million acres (2.6 million hectares) of cropland nationwide, amounting to US$3.7 billion in damages and long-term economic losses of nearly US$10 billion for the agriculture, food, livestock and fisheries sectors. In the hard-hit Sindh province alone, only 700,000 acres (282,000 hectares) of the 4.3 million acres (1.7 million hectares) under cultivation survived the floods. The lack of a comprehensive crop insurance policy in the country left most of the country’s farmers without financial support.

Making matters worse, in the months following the floods, rural communities across the country experienced a 50% increase in food prices compared to the previous year, putting many already scarce staples out of the reach of the low-income communities. 

Projected acute food insecurity situation between November 2023 and January 2024. Image: Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC); Pakistan food insecurity
Projected acute food insecurity situation between November 2023 and January 2024. Image: Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC).

A combination of high food prices, frequent climate shocks, widespread livestock diseases, and reduced food production put an estimated 11.8 million people at risk of experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity between November 2023 and January 2024, according to a the recent Acute Food Insecurity Snapshot published by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC).

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5. Waste Pollution

Rapid urbanisation and population growth have led to an increase in waste generation in Pakistan, with World Bank figures suggesting the country generates approximately 48.5 million tons of solid waste annually, with an estimated 20 million tons in urban areas alone.

Unprecedented levels of waste generation have left the government unable to properly manage it. The inadequate waste management infrastructure and lack of proper waste collection, segregation, and disposal systems have contributed to the accumulation of waste in public spaces, rivers, and open areas and has made burning and dumping of garbage common practices. 

The majority of solid waste generated in the country is disposed of in an uncontrolled manner, causing pollution of land and water bodies. Indeed, dumped or burnt waste releases toxic gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that significantly contribute to air pollution.

Plastic waste dumped near a river in Pakistan
Plastic waste dumped near a river in Pakistan. Photo: GRID-Arendal/Flickr.

According to a 2023 UN Habitat report, these habits are to blame on deeply-rooted unsustainable production and consumption practices, inadequate solid waste management infrastructure, deficient legal and policy frameworks, weak enforcement mechanisms, and limited financial resources at national and local levels.

The country also ranks as the sixth globally and third in Asia among plastic waste generators, with an estimated 5-10% of all its municipal solid waste being plastic, and it is among the top 10 contributors to marine plastic pollution globally, with an estimated 55 billion pieces of plastic waste generated annually.

To address the waste pollution crisis, the Pakistani government has initiated various measures. The introduction of waste management policies, such as the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, aims to regulate waste disposal and promote recycling. Efforts are also being made to improve waste collection and segregation systems, establish waste treatment plants, and create awareness about the importance of waste management and recycling among the public. However, significant challenges remain, including the need for infrastructure development, capacity building, and effective implementation of waste management strategies. Collaboration between the government, private sector, and civil society is crucial to tackling the waste pollution crisis and moving towards a more sustainable and cleaner environment in Pakistan.

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Featured image: Adeel Anwer/Flickr.

The post Elections 2024: Pakistan’s Next Government Faces Pressing Environmental Issues appeared first on Earth.Org.

Elections 2024: How Much Do Voters Care About Climate? https://earth.org/elections-2024-how-much-do-voters-care-about-climate/ Wed, 24 Jan 2024 08:00:00 +0000 https://earth.org/?p=31650 elections 2024; climate protest; fight today for a better tomorrow; climate policies; voters climate

elections 2024; climate protest; fight today for a better tomorrow; climate policies; voters climate

2024 will be a pivotal year for democracy, with roughly half of the human population called to the polls. A lot is at stake, especially for the climate. […]

The post Elections 2024: How Much Do Voters Care About Climate? appeared first on Earth.Org.


2024 will be a pivotal year for democracy, with roughly half of the human population called to the polls. A lot is at stake, especially for the climate. In this article, Earth.Org looks at how perceptions of climate change have shifted in recent decades and how the urgency of addressing the rapidly unfolding climate crisis has fostered a new breed of environmentally conscious voters who are keenly aware that their ballot choices can shape the fate of their planet. 

Some 4 billion people – roughly half of the human population – are eligible to vote this year, making 2024 the biggest global election year of all time and a pivotal one for democracy.

Beyond their immediate national impact, elections hold significant implications for global stability and the pursuit of sustainable development. As the world grapples with complex challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and geopolitical tensions, understanding the critical role of elections in fostering democracy and maintaining global stability becomes paramount.

But while topics such as the economy and jobs, healthcare, social welfare, governance and security have always dominated the political agenda, recent events have brought another subject to the top of the priority list: climate change.


2023 went down in history as the hottest year ever recorded, with global average temperatures at 1.48C above pre-industrial levels. This is dangerously close to the 1.5C threshold set out in the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement, beyond which some effects of climate change start to become irreversible. 

Climate records tumbled “like dominoes”, with surface and ocean temperatures reaching levels never seen before and extreme weather events unfolding incessantly and bringing about devastation and loss around the world. 

Daily global surface air temperature increase relative to the average for 1850–1900, the designated pre-industrial reference period, for 2023. The plot highlights temperature increases within three ranges: 1–1.5°C (orange), 1.5–2°C (red), and above 2°C (crimson). Source: ERA5. Credit: C3S/ECMWF
Daily global surface air temperature increase relative to the pre-industrial average for 1850–1900, for 2023. Image: C3S/ECMWF.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels reached historic highs last May and are forecast to keep rising in 2024 at a much higher speed than that required to stay on track with the 1.5C goal. Studies assessing the size of the world’s remaining carbon budget – the net amount of CO2 we have left to emit before we exceed the Paris limit – say we only have six years left. Some even argue that the limit will be breached at some point this year.

Regardless of the exact timeframe, the science is clear: we are running out of time.

One-quarter of humanity is drought stricken amid alarming changes in global water cycles; heat and humidity levels are expected to reach lethal levels for hours, days, and even weeks in some parts of the world by the end of the century, making it impossible to stay outdoors; air pollution is cutting life expectancy by up to five years in some parts of the world; and rapidly rising sea levels are threatening millions of people living in coastal areas.

Against this backdrop, growing concerns about the health of our planet and a notable shift in public awareness about the urgent need to address global warming have translated into increased pressure on political leaders and parties to prioritise climate action in their electoral agendas. 

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From Hoax to Global Threat

In the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) 2021 Peoples’ Climate Vote survey, said to be the largest public opinion survey on climate change in history, a staggering 64% of the 1.2 million respondents recognised that “climate change is a global emergency.” 

Other major surveys echoed similar sentiments. People around the world increasingly recognise climate change as a serious and imminent threat to the planet and acknowledge the indisputable role humans played in exacerbating this global crisis. In Pew Research Center’s annual Global Attitudes survey, the number of respondents identifying climate change as a “major threat” went from 54% in 2014 to a staggering 71% in 2022. And as climate change awareness soars, the number of people denying it falls.

An increasing number of people around the world view climate change as a threat; Pew Research Center
An increasing number of people around the world view climate change as a threat. Image: Pew Research Center.

A recent survey of more than 1,000 Americans published in January 2024 by the Yale University Program on Climate Change Communication found that those who believe climate change is happening outnumbered those who do not five to one. Interestingly, the number of people saying that climate change was a hoax fell to 39% compared to 51% in the 2011 iteration of the survey. But despite increasing awareness, engagement on the matter remains low, as responses to questions about personal and social engagement with global warming show. 65% of surveyed Americans said they “rarely” or “never” discuss the issue with family and friends and only 35% said they do so “occasionally” of “often”.

Responses to questions about personal and social engagement with global warming show that Americans are still generally disengaged with the topic; climate change survey
Responses to questions about personal and social engagement with global warming show that Americans are still generally disengaged with the topic.


Young people demonstrate a more profound comprehension and consciousness of climate change compared to adults and older generations, with global climate movements such as Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future bringing the topic into the mainstream in recent years and Generation Z been nicknamed the climate generation. Since then, the number of youth climate groups has grown exponentially around the world and climate protests have taken different shapes. Public disruption tactics have been on the rise in recent years, with groups such as Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion making the headlines and often dividing the public opinion with their actions. 

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But younger generations are not just more in touch with climate change; they are also increasingly worried about it. In 2020, environmental non-profit Friends of the Earth estimated that over two-thirds of young people aged 18-24 experience climate anxiety, a feeling of distress, guilt, and helplessness about climate change and its impacts on the landscape and human existence. “As the group of people most likely to see the worsening effects of climate chaos, it’s not surprising that a surge of younger people is increasingly concerned, especially in the face of government inaction,” said Aaron Kiely, climate campaigner for Friends of the Earth.

In December 2021, a group of researchers focussing on climate anxiety surveyed 10,000 young people aged 16-25 across ten countries – Australia, Brazil, Finland, France, India, Nigeria, Philippines, Portugal, the UK, and the US. They reported that participants across all countries were worried about climate change – with 59% “very” or “extremely” worried and 84% “moderately” worried. More than 50% of respondents reported each of the following negative emotions: sadness, anxiety, anger, powerlessness, helplessness, and guilt. But what about older generations? 

In a 2003 paper, Scott Wright, a professor at the University of Utah conducting interdisciplinary research in gerontology, contended that “the natural environment has been a missing topic from education and public policy forums concerning an ageing society,” and this does not seem to have changed much by today. Others have identified that older generations may care about the short-term impacts of climate change – like extreme weather, poor air quality, and the spread of infectious diseases – because they are personally affected. However, while there is tons of research on the physical impacts of climate change on the elderly, less is known about the toll it is taking on their mental health. For instance, older generations may experience feelings of guilt and overwhelming anxiety because they feel responsible for destroying the environment and failing to secure a healthy and sustainable future for their children and grandchildren. 

More on the topic: How Young Climate Activists Are Making Their Voices Hear

The Rise of the ‘Greens’

The question of whether climate agendas influence voters’ decisions around the world is a tough as the answer changes greatly from country to country. However, polls show that awareness about the topic has increased exponentially in recent years and so has the popularity of the “Greens”, left-wing political parties that believe environmental protection, social justice, and nonviolence are of supreme importance to the sustainable development of human lives and all other living beings. 

Currently, Green parties exist in about 90 countries around the world and are unified under the Global Greens, an international organisation that envisions a planet where there is no conflict between our economic needs and the systems of life. While in some parts of the world, the influence of the Greens is minimal and they act mainly in the form of an extra-parliamentary opposition, in others they are remarkably popular and actively engage in elections. 

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Green Party supporters are typically left-leaning. Indeed, research shows that those on the political left are generally more likely to consider global warming a major threat and advocate for more policies to fight it. They are also, generally speaking, young. This claim is backed by a 2023 study looking at the rise in electoral support for Green parties in Western Europe. By comparing data covering 40 elections in 11 Western European countries, researchers found that “each new generation is more supportive of the Greens than the generation before.”

research shows that those on the political left are generally more likely to consider global warming a major threat and advocate for more policies to fight it.
Research shows that those on the political left are generally more likely to consider global warming a major threat and advocate for more policies to fight it. Image: Pew Research Center.

What Climate Policies Do People Want?

In a working paper published in June 2022, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) examined international attitudes toward climate policies by surveying over 40,000 people across 20 countries that collectively represent 72% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The study revealed that support for climate policies is dependent on three crucial factors: the perceived effectiveness of these policies in reducing emissions, the impact of such policies on lower-income households, particularly in terms of inequality, and individuals’ own gains and losses in relation to these policies. It concluded that providing information that directly addresses these key concerns can substantially increase support for climate policies in many countries, highlighting the importance of understanding the factors that shape support for climate policies and highlights the need for tailored communication strategies to effectively garner public backing. 

As for the specific policies that people want to see, it is useful to go back to the aforementioned UNDP Peoples’ Climate Vote survey, which questioned its 1.2 million participants about the most important climate policies that governments should focus on to address the climate crisis. The respondents identified conservation of forest and land, renewable energy, sustainable farming, and green businesses and jobs, the importance of which was directly linked to and influenced by the national context. 

For example, people living in high-emitting countries – such as the US, Canada, Germany, South Africa, Poland, and Japan – believe their governments should give priority to clean energy development. In nations that are highly dependent on agriculture, such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Ecuador, and Egypt, climate-friendly farming policies are highly desired. And in nearly all G20 countries, which are among the strongest economies in the world, people want to see more investment in green businesses and jobs.

Considering the rapid increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events not just in developing countries – historically the most vulnerable to climate change – but also in highly developed nations, the general consensus among all surveys’ respondents about the need for adaptation and resilience, from early warning systems to adequate infrastructure, comes as no surprise.

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Will Climate Change Shape the Course of 2024 Elections?

Climate change has increasingly become a prominent and critical issue in recent years, garnering widespread attention and concern globally. Its impact on various aspects of society, including the economy, public health, and the environment, has led to increased awareness and a growing demand for action.

Given the significance of climate change as a pressing issue, it is plausible that it will play a role in shaping the course of this year’s elections, though it is important to also keep in mind that factors including the specific context of the elections, the candidates’ positions on climate change, and voters’ priorities of voters vary greatly across different countries and regions. Factors such as the level of public awareness, the severity of climate-related events, and the political and economic landscape will all contribute to the issue’s salience in electoral campaigns.

In recent years, we have witnessed a growing political divide regarding climate change, with some political parties and candidates emphasizing the urgency of addressing the issue, while others express skepticism or downplay its importance. This divide can lead to differing policy proposals and approaches, which can in turn influence voters’ decisions.

Furthermore, public opinion on climate change has been evolving, with a significant portion of the population expressing concern and demanding action. This growing awareness and activism can influence the electoral landscape, as candidates may be compelled to address climate change and present comprehensive plans to mitigate its effects.

While it is difficult to predict the specific impact of climate change on the 2024 elections, it is reasonable to expect that an unprecedented number of voters will be influenced by it. As the urgency to address climate change grows, candidates and political parties are likely to face increasing pressure to articulate their positions and propose policies to address this critical issue.

The post Elections 2024: How Much Do Voters Care About Climate? appeared first on Earth.Org.
