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Dhanada Mishra

Dhanada K Mishra has a Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Michigan and is a professor in the eastern province of Odisha in India. He is currently visiting the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as a Research Scholar working in the subject of green construction materials. He has a strong professional interest in the environment, sustainability, climate science and ethics in technology. He supports movements against climate change, corruption and those promoting decentralised governance and green economic policy. He has been writing regularly on these and related topics in leading newspapers and periodicals in India both in his mother tongue Odiya and English. Some of the publications that have carried his columns are Sambad, Samadrusti, and Bhumi in Odiya and Orissa Post, OdishaPlus and Business Today in English, as well as Hong Kong Free Press in Hong Kong. He is also a founding member of Extinction Rebellion Hong Kong.

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