"Throughout my life, I have always worked for human rights and preserving the environment and a peaceful world, and it has been my main concern. I believe that these problems (environmental destruction/violation of human rights and a world full of war) should not exist in the age we live in. I will always talk to the people of the world about these problems through my camera lens."
– Ehsan Moradi

Ehsan Moradi is an award-winning photographer from Iran. He believes that a good photo is the most powerful thing that can change people's thoughts and this led him to starting conversations with other people through the lens of his camera to encourage hem to preserve the environment and protect human rights. He is member of FIAP International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) and has won several awards, such as the annual BARTUR PHOTO AWARD photography competition in the climate change category (2nd place) and the WPE Awards International Photography Competition in France in 2023. His shots have also been published in prestigious magazines, including Lens Magazine, Top Posters, Figgi, Artels, and Marika.

Instagram: @ehsan_moradi1368