There are many ways you can support Earth.Org.
Our mission is to make the true impacts of human activity on our planet, better and more widely understood by policy makers. To encourage policies that eliminate destructive emissions by imposing a market price to correct the gargantuan market failure of excess pollution being produced by modern economic activities. To highlight the true economic and social costs of current over exploitation by humans of natural capital and bio-services for current and future generations. To demonstrate that palatable economic policies exist – that can most rapidly and effectively curb most if not all of the most destructive of current economic and social activities and that will encourage sustainable development.
To this aim, we bring the latest environmental news to a wider population, always in the context of where in the timeline we are now, and where our current pathway will likely take us. We use data science to extract insights from static and satellite data to form the basis of powerful arguments that better communicate just how far along the destructive pathway we have found ourselves. These data visualisations will be published with the aim of stirring action. Urgent action.
If you are representing a non-governmental organisation, a foundation, a financial institution, a CSR department of a larger corporate, an impact investment fund or a private citizen – reach out to us to find out how you can support Earth.Org. We urgently need additional funding to expand our capability to achieve our mission goals.
To make a straightforward Donation, please go here.